
Masculinity is difficult to describe in today’s world, but the Man of the World USA, Brandex Cruz, explains it well in my latest YouTube video on I Love the Way You Talk With KK channel.

Many of you have messaged me, expressing your gratitude for being unafraid to post that. In a world of feminism, femininity can be looked down upon. Both are important, but carry out a different role.

I grew up as a tomboy. Soccer balls and bikes interested me most, and every pair of shoes I had were destroyed in a season. I counted 22 bruises on one leg one of the summers. To say I was an active girl, running on high speed is an understatement. Femininity is not something which came easily to me. I was naturally feminine, but I can testify, I develop a sense of femininity throughout the course of my life.

Being feminine starts with how you view and treat yourself.

Results always start in the mind, and nothing is really achieved by accident or chance. Your mindset is everything. In a highly polarized world, I often hear women who say, “we do not need men” or “I am independent and can do it myself”. By no means am I against strong women. I am one of them, but hear me out.

Femininity shines at its finest when paired next to masculinity. Masculinity is the opposite of femininity. Neither one surpasses the other, but both are necessary to display the beauty of diversity.

In case you did not know, masculist is the masculine version of a feminist. Each movement advocates for rights, equality and dignity for either female or male sex. We need these movements to continue advancing as a humanity.

For the purpose of today’s blog post, I want to focus on the uniqueness of femininity and how you can practice it starting today.

Here is what femininity means to me:

A woman who is secure in her identity and does not seek validation from another human. She is living on purpose and does not fall off her lane because of someone’s opinion. She exhibits qualities of courage, virtue, integrity and is unashamed of being a woman. Her behavior, poise, aura and look speak for her. She is unapologetically confident and encourages those surrounding to a higher standard of life. She sees the needs of others, and finds unique ways to bring value. She does not deprive herself from what she needs, understanding she cannot give what she does not have, but is not a self-centered persona. Leaving her presence gives you life and energy.

This is femininity. There is power in feminine energy.

As I have mentioned, femininity shines at its finest when paired against masculinity. Each carry its own energy and role.

Over many years, I learned to be independent, relying on my own strength. I helped everyone I could, draining myself emotionally and mentally. I was exhausted and stressed out. I was too giving and lacked seeing my own needs. When I would break down and let it all out through tears, whether it was to a friend/sister or in prayer, I always came back to the same dead end. I need to focus on me before I give myself to the world.

Many females notice everyone around them, but barely make time for themself. They’re left empty-handed and tired. The beauty of activating feminine energy is realizing you go first. You need to respect yourself by setting boundaries, standards and life goals. There is a need to have mentors, coaches and advisers in your corner who will direct you on the right path. Asking for help is not a weakness, but a strength, recognizing we cannot go further without greater knowledge.

This is how I began my feminine journey. I placed myself first and learned to say NO. I prioritized myself first and reorganized my schedule. I allowed others to actually cover the bill or be the designated driver on a road trip. I intentionally paused to listen and hear them out. I became comfortable being alone and in silence. I could feel my heart beating and began valuing my life. How could I value the life of another person and show them love when I never practiced that in my own life?

This is where I began. It was a daily conscious decision to wake up and have a morning routine which reminded me, today is a gift and I will not waste it being worried and anxious about anything. Personal and spiritual development began from the moment I woke up, instead of scrolling social media, listening to the news or shuffling through emails.

Feminine energy encourages others to place themself first and be in tune with their inner and outer needs. It energizes masculinity. It has a confident look. It is never timid, but even in silence, you can sense its power.

I love being a woman. I love being feminine. And I look forward to hearing your thoughts on what is means to be feminine today.

Written with love,



What Eats You Alive


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